Royal Gorge
Amateur Radio Club
Canon City, Colorado
Ham License

The process of getting an Amateur Radio license starts with getting a Federal Registration Number (FRN).
The next step is to pass the License Exam, at a recommended fee of $17 ... the exam can be conducted in person on paper, or online.
The results of passing the exam is passed to a VEC (most often ARRL or W5YI), who vets the exam results and the submitted 605 Form.
The VEC submits your submitted exam "paperwork" to the FCC.
The FCC sends a bill for $35 to the applicant via email.
The applicant sends payment of the $35.
The FCC then issues a license in the form of a Call Sign by posting it to the FCC Database. The applicant is authorized to transmit only after he sees his new Call Sign in the database.
Successful applicants upgrading to General or Extra Class can use the new band privileges immediately upon passing the exam ... but must add /AG or /AE